Surgical Experience (-19th December 2022)
139 Parotidectomies
195 Thyroidectomies
72 Neck Dissections
41 Laryngectomies
84 Stapedectomies
76 Tympanoplasty - Cartilage Graft Tympanoplasty
76 Mastoidectomy
23 Removal of the Submandibular Salivary Gland
26 Removal of Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
14 Removal of Branchial Cyst
34 Caldwell Luc Operation
24 Operations to remove various Cervical Tumors
29 Removal of cervical lymph nodes (Biopsy)
297 Microlaryngoscopy
380 Tonsillectomies
105 Removal of Adenoids
101 Tracheostomies
148 Placement of Tubes
209 Operations for Scoliosis of the Nasal Septum
12 Thyroplasty
9 Posterior Chordectomy
24 Prominent ear
6 Cervical lymphangiomas
6 Lipomas of the neck
4 Eagle's syndrome (removal of elongated styloid process)
5 Anastomoses Facial nerve - Hypoglossal nerve
1 Transposition of the Temporal muscle at the corner of the mouth in paralysis of the facial nerve
3 Zenker's diverticulum
5 Cricopharyngotomy
1 Tracheoesophageal valve placement
5 Transmandibular-Transpharyngeal approach
2 Laryngotracheal stenoses (use of flap Hyoid bone - Sternohyoid muscle)
1 Woodman intervention
1 Tracheoesophageal fistula
3 Pectoralis flap
1 Stomal Recurrence
5 Plastic Tracheostomal - widening procedure
2 Marginal Mandibulectomy
3 Preauricular Cyst
6 Parathyroid Adenomas
2 Ranulas of the Floor of the mouth
21 Uvulopharyngopalatoplasty
11 External Frontoethmoidectomy
2 Midfacial Degloving
2 Lateral Rhinotomy
5 Dacryocystorhinostomy
2 Trephination of Frontal Sinus
7 Epithelioma of the skin of the Nose
3 Nasal septum Carcinoma
81 Nasal polyps
8 Tumors of the Palate