He studied at the Medical School of the University of Athens. He gained admission to the University through entrance exams in 1978 and graduated in October 1984. Until February 1988 he completed his military service as well as compulsory field service. From March 1988, until June 1993, he did his specialty at the Hellenic Red Cross Hospital. From October 1993, when he officially received the title of specialty, until June 1997, he was freelancing, while at the same time in the morning hours, he followed the surgical activity of the ENT Clinic of the Hellenic Red Cross Hospital. In July 1997, he was appointed as a Consultant in the ENT Clinic of the Hellenic Red Cross Hospital. During the time that he stayed there, he performed more than 400 operations, most of which were major oncological operations (Lymph Node Dissections, Laryngectomies, Parotidectomies, Thyroidectomies, etc.), and Otosurgery. At the same time, he did his Doctoral Dissertation on "Pathogenetic mechanism, localization and complications of Cholosteatoma". He participated in many round tables organized by the clinic, as a speaker and trainer in seminars organized by the clinic. In May 2001, he resigned from the Red Cross, and became a Consultant of the ENT Clinic of the HENRI DYNAN Hospital. During his stay there, he performed more than 500 operations, most of which were major and heavy Oncology operations, Otologic operations, as well as the current Otolaryngology surgery. Since March 2007, he has been the director of the ENT Clinic & Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Clinic of the Hospital of the Athens Medical Center in Marousi. As a qualified Otorhinolaryngologist, from October 1993 until today (December 2022), he has performed over 2500 operations. In December 2021 he received the certification in ENT Robotic Surgery (Transoral Robotic Surgery-TORS).


ENT Surgeon, MD, PhD, Robotic Surgeon at Hospital of Medical Center of Athens in Marousi, Greece, who deals with additional specialisation in Oncology of Head & Neck, Surgery of Head & Neck, Otological Surgery, Phonosurgery and Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS), with 31 years of surgical experience. He has successfully performed over 2700 surgeries in Head & Neck Surgery, Oncological Surgery, Otological Surgery and all the other operation in ENT.

Current position

Director of Oncological Department of Otolaryngology of Head and Neck Surgery, Hospital of Medical Center of Athens


Certificate of da Vinci Training as a Console Surgeon, December 2021, Centro de Medicina Comparativa y Bioimagen (CMCiB), Barcelona

Laryngeal Framework Surgery Course January 20th - January 22nd 2005 VU Medical Centre Amsterdam, The Nederlands

The 1st International Winter School of Otology - Neurootology - Lateral Skull Base Microsurgery in Greece February 6,7 & 8, 2004 Divani Apollon Palace & Spa, Athens, Greece

Doctoral Thesis, 1995-1999, University of Crete, "Pathogenesis, localization, and complications of Cholesteatoma"

Greek Board of Otolaryngology, 1993-Present

Red Cross Hospital of Athens, 1989 - 1993, Resident in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Red Cross Hospital of Athens, 1988 - 1989, General Surgery Internship

Medical School of Athens, 1978 - 1984

Employment history

Hospital of Medical Center of Athens in Marousi, Greece, Director of Oncological Head & Neck Surgery Clinic, March 2007 - Present

Henri Dunant Hospital of Athens, May 2001 - February 2007

Red Cross Hospital of Athens, July 1997 - April 2001

Current and Past Teaching Responsibilities

Rhodes 25-28/10/1997, Round table on "Skull base surgery", Speaker on "Treatment of malignant carcinomas of the external auditory canal and middle ear"

Post-training Seminar of Otolaryngology organized by the Otolaryngology Clinic of the Red Cross Hospital 24-26/2/1999. He participated in a speech on Ear Embryology. He also participated with demonstration of two surgical procedures, one Tympanoplasty and a Radical Mastoidectomy

26th Annual Panhellenic Medical Congress - 18/5/2000, Round Table on: "Snoring-Sleep Apnea, Instructor on "Anatomy of the upper respiratory tract"

Cervical Surgery Seminar organised by the Otolaryngology Clinic of the Red Cross Hospital 6-8/12/2000. He participated in a speech on the "Parotidectomy", the "Removal of the Submaxillary salivary Gland" and the "Removal of the branchial cyst". He also participated with the demonstration of two surgical procedures: one Total Thyroidectomy and a branchial cyst removal.

12th Panhellenic Congress of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, 8-12 October 2003, Macedonia Palace, Thessaloniki, Round table on: "Chronic Ear Media: Advances in diagnosis and treatment", Instructor on "Pathophysiology of Cholesteatoma'

Postgraduate program of the University of Athens, 9/3/2004, Ippokrateio Hospital, Speaker at the round table on: "Parotid Surgery-Generalities-Concerns"

Postgraduate program of the University of Athens, 22/5/2005 Ippokrateio Hospital, Round table on: "Diagnostic and therapeutic approach of chronic otitis", Lecture on: "Therapeutic tactics"

13th Panhellenic ENT Conference, Athens 10-13 November 2005, Round table on "Otosclerosis", Instructor on "Difficulties and peculiarities in surgical treatment"

Athens Medical Leadership & Innovation 2016, 23-25 September 2016, Treatment of complex oncological issues of the head and neck

Continuing Medical Education 2016-2017, Athens Medical Center, 1/3/2017,  The contribution of Radical Lymph Node Dissection of the Neck in the treatment of oncological problems of the Head and Neck

Athens Medical Leadership & Innovation, 23-25 November 2018, Treatment of Parotid Tumors

Continuing Medical Education 2018-2019 Athens Medical Center, Wednesday 20 April 2019, Differential diagnosis of cervical masses

Continuing Medical Education 2019-2020 Athens Medical Center, Wednesday 27 May 2020, "Developments in Otolaryngology", 

Continuous Medical Training 2022-2023 Athens Medical Center, Wednesday 15 February 2023, "Rhinopharyngeal cancer"


Doundoulakis G., Papazoglou G. , Pavlopoulos Ath. , Terzakis G. : "The Pharyngeal Syringe as a complication of Total Laryngectomy" Concentration of ENT Society Hippocrateio Hospital 1-2-1991

Doundoulakis G. Papazoglou G. , Lefanzis D. , Terzakis G. , Anastasopoulos, G. Papadopoulos D. , Dokianakis C. : "The uncovered personal nerve during Stapedectomy" 9th Panhellenic ENP Conference Rhodes 25-28 October 1997

Doundoulakis G., Papazoglou G. , Hatzimanolis Emm, Terzakis G. , Anastasopoulos C. , Lefanzis D. , Dokianakis C. : "Comparative evaluation of CT and MRI in the tumors of parotid" 9th Panhellenic ENP Conference Rhodes 25-28 October 1997

Doundoulakis G., Papazoglou G. , Archontakis S, Hatzimanolis E. , Marsan N. , Chitouras D. , Dokianakis C. : "Radiation Necrosis of the throat: Our experience" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Doundoulakis G., Vlachou S, Terzakis G. , Louverdis D. , Vathylakis I. , Papazoglou G. "Intraoperative findings in cholosteatoma surgery" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Doundoulakis G., Papazoglou G. , Daskolias K. , Lefanzis D. , Lilakou, E. , Hatzimanolis E. Dokianakis C. "The effect of age on laryngeal cancer" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Doundoulakis G., Papazoglou G. , Tsitirides I. , Lefanzis D. , Anastasopoulos C. , Vlachou S, Dokianakis G. : "Archordonic carcinoma of the larynx. The experience of our clinic" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Doundoulakis G. , Vlachou S, Nikolaou E. , Anastasopoulos C. , Terzakis G. , Dokianakis C. : "Oncocytic carcinoma parotid" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Doundoulakis G. , Anastasopoulos C. , Daskolias K. , Terzakis G. , Christidis K. , Dokianakis C. : "Benign Histiocytoma of the cheek" 10° Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Doundoulakis G. , Terzakis G. , Kanakis P. , Papazoglou G. : "The access of midfacial degloving for the excision of tumours of the midfacial skeleton" 14° Panhellenic Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1-3 December 2000

Doundoulakis G. , Lilakou Ir. : "Case report: Interesting incident of substernal goiter" 13° Panhellenic ENP Conference Athens 10-13 November 2005

Doundoulakis G. , Bovtecianos H. , Lambropoulis K. , Davis S. : "Thyroplasty and Arytenoid Adduction in the treatment of the paralysis of the vocal cord", 13° Panhellenic ENT Conference Athens 10-13 November 2005

Papazoglou G. , Doundoulakis G. , Marsan N. , Chonis N. , Terzakis G. "The Treatment of the Malignant Tumours of the Nose and the Paranasal Cavities" 5° Pancretan Medical Conference of Rethymno 15–18 November 1990

Terzakis G. , Doundoulakis G. , Ioannides N. , Chonis N. , Papazoglou G : "Prolonged intubation and ENT problems" 5° Pancretan Medical Conference Rethymno 15–18 November 1990

Hatzimanolis Emm, Doundoulakis G. , Stamoulis C. , Pauris M., Lefantzis D. : "Surgical treatment of thyroid gland diseases" 6° Panhellenic ENT Conference Thessaloniki 5-9 October 1991

Papazoglou G. , Doundoulakis G. , Terzakis G. , Lefantzis D. : "Paranasal Osteomas" 6° Panhellenic ENT Conference Thessaloniki 5-9 October 1991

Hatzimanolis Emm. , Doundoulakis G. , Christidis K. , Dokianakis C. : "The Surgical treatment of the Inverted Papilloma of the Nose and Paranasal sinuses" 6th Panhellenic ENT Conference Thessaloniki 5-9 October 1991

Pavlopoulos Ath. , Doundoulakis G. , Marsan N. , Dokianakis C. "Second Primary Food in Cancers of the Head and Neck" 6th Panhellenic ENT Conference Thessaloniki 5-9 October 1991

Terzakis G. , Doundoulakis G. , Pauris M. , Marsan N. , Xirokostas S. , Papazoglou G. "Mucoceles of Paranasal Sinuses", 7th Panhellenic Conference of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Sissi, Crete 14-17 October 1993

Papazoglou G. , Doundoulakis G. , Terzakis G. , Symonides C. , Pauris M. , Lefanzis D. "Neurogenic Tumours of Head and Neck" 7th Panhellenic Conference of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Crete 14-17 October 1993

Papazoglou G. , Doundoulakis G. , Terzakis G. , Louverdis D. , Kapsala B. , Triandos St. , Dokianakis C. "Carotid Body Tumor" 9th Panhellenic ENT Conference Rhodes 25-28 October 1997

Terzakis G. , Doundoulakis G. , Papadopoulos D. , Kapsala C. , Dokianakis C. "Surgical treatment of the vagus nerve neurinomas" 9th Panhellenic ENP Conference Rhodes 25-28 October 1997

Vlachou S. , Doundoulakis G. , Archontakis S. , Terzakis G. , Passiou E. , Papazoglou G. "Surgical technique problems in the treatment of otosclerosis" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Stratakou Ek., Doundoulakis G., Lefantzis D., Papazoglou G., Christidis K., Dokianakis G.: «Two cases of Primary Orbital Tumors» XV World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Turkiye-Istanbul, 20-25 June 1993

Papazoglou G., Doundoulakis G.,Lefantzis D., Terzakis G., Paouris M., Dokianakis G.: «Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma: preoperative management and surgical treatment in 39 patients» XV World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Turkiye-Istanbul, 20-25 June 1993

Papazoglou G., Doundoulakis G., Terzakis G., Vathilakis Ι., Ρaοuris M., Dokianakis G.: POSTER «Α case of Turner's syndrome with bilateral Cholosteatomatous Otitis Media» XV World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Turkiye-Istanbul, 20-25 June 1993

Hatzimanolis Emm. , Pauris M. , Terzakis G. , Stratakou Emm. , Doundoulakis G. : "22 Cases of Cholosteatoma under integral drum membrane" 6th Pancretan Medical Conference Rethymno 12-15 November 1992

Papazoglou G. , Vontecianos X. , Terzakis G. , Pauris M. , Symaidis C. , Doundoulakis G. : "Neurolemmomas of the Neck" 6th Pancretan Medical Conference Rethymno 12-15 November 1992

Terzakis G. , Louverdis D. Stratakou Ike. , Xirokostas S, Christidis K. , Doundoulakis G. : "Laryngocele: Diagnosis and Treatment" 6th Pancretan Medical Conference Rethymno 12-15 November 1992

Hatzimanolis Emm. , Pauris M. , Terzakis G. , Vontecianos X. , Vathylakis I. , Doundoulakis G. : VIDEO on: "Surgical treatment of cholostatomas under intact tympanic membrane" 6th Pancretan Medical Conference Rethymno 12-15 November 1992

Papazoglou G. , Terzakis G. , Pauris M. , Xirokostas S. , Doundoulakis G. "Two cases of Histiocytosis of Temporal Bone" was announced at the Otolaryngological Society meeting on 19-11-1992

Papazoglou G. , Pauris M. , Terzakis G. , Lefanzis D. , Doundoulakis G. : "Our experience in Supraglottic Laryngectomy of the last five years" Announced at the meeting of the Otolaryngological Society on 19-11-1992

Dokianakis C. , Hatzimanolis Emm. , Gavalas C. , Vathylakis I. , Doundoulakis G. : "The Transotic approach for Removal of Acoustic Neuroma" 9th Panhellenic ENP Conference Rhodes 25-28 October 1997

Papazoglou G. , Vlachou S, Tsitirides I. , Archontakis S. , Tsamouris M. , Doundoulakis G. : "Parangliomas of the larynx" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference of Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Papazoglou G. , Vlachou S. , Archontakis S. , Papanikopoulou X. , Doundoulakis G. POSTER "Rendu-Weber-Osler": case report" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference of Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

K. Triandos, S. Triandos, G. Doundoulakis: "The diagnostic value of the oral clinical examination in HIV/AIDS infection" 4° Pampeloponnesian Medical Conference Tripoli 20-22/10/2000

Skouras K.,, Tasiopoulos I. , Chronopoulos A. , Pavlidis P. , Doundoulakis G. , Tierris Emm. "Revision of Extra-Hepatic Biliary" 16th Panhellenic Surgery Conference Athens 1-5 October 1988

Papazoglou G. , Hatzimanolis Emm. , Doundoulakis G. , Christidis K. "Audio Neuroma: Combination of Translabyrinthine and Suboccipital approach" 6th Panhellenic ENT Conference Thessaloniki 5-9 October 1991

Papazoglou G. , Pauris M. , Doundoulakis G. , Terzakis G. : "Extracranial Surgical treatment of Rinorrhea CSF" 6th Panhellenic ENT Conference Thessaloniki 5-9 October 1991

Hatzimanolis Emm. , Papazoglou G. , Doundoulakis G. , Christidis K. VIDEO-Tape on: "Audio Neuroma: Combination of Translabyrinthine and Suboccipital approach" 6th Panhellenic ENT Conference Thessaloniki 5-9 October 1991

Hatzimanolis Emm. , Christidis K. , Louverdis D. , Doundoulakis G. , Dokianakis C. "Surgical treatment of benign tumours of the Parotid gland" 18th Panhellenic Conference of Surgery Athens 1-5 November 1992

C. Papazoglou, M. Pauris, Doundoulakis G. , Terzakis G. , Dokianakis C. : "Parapharyngeal tumours" 18th Panhellenic Conference of Surgery Athens 1-5 November 1992

Papazoglou G. , Hatzimanolis Emm. , Doundoulakis G. , Terzakis G. , Dokianakis C. : VIDEO: "Surgical treatment of Parapharyngeal Space Tumors" 18th Panhellenic Conference of Surgery Athens 1-5 November 1992

Christidis K. , Lefanzis D. , Louverdis D. , Doundoulakis G. , Hatzimanolis Emm. ,Pauris M. : "Tumours of the Palate" 6th Pancretan Medical Conference Rethymno 12-15 November 1992

Papazoglou G. , Lefanzis D. , Doundoulakis G. , Terzakis G. Stratakou Ike. , Pauris M. : "Surgical treatment of inflammatory diseases of the Submaxillary Salivary Gland" 6th Pancretan Medical Conference of Rethymno 12-15 November 1992

Pavlopoulos A. , Marsan N., Hatzimanolis E. , Doundoulakis G. , Dokianakis C. "The Use of Retinoids in the treatment of Leukoplakia of the Larynx" 7th Panhellenic Conference of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Crete 14-17 October 1993

Papazoglou G. Stratakou Ike. , Pauris M. , Doundoulakis G. , Barbati K. , Dokianakis C. : POSTER on " Hamartoma of the Submaxillary Salivary Gland" 2nd Panhellenic Clinical Oncology Conference Athens 11-13 March 1993

Papazoglou G. , Terzakis G. , Doundoulakis G. , Hochlidakis D. , Pass E. , Chitouras D. , Dokianakis C. : "Intraparotide neuroma of the Facial nerve" 9th Panhellenic ENP Conference Rhodes 25-28 October 1997

Papazoglou G. , Terzakis G. , Doundoulakis G. , Louverdis D. , Pass E. , Anastasopoulos C. , Dokianakis C. : "Total pharyngeostomy-esophagectomy and restoration by gastric pull-up" 9th Panhellenic ENT Conference Rhodes 25-28 October 1997

Dokianakis C. , Papazoglou G. , Lefanzis D. , Doundoulakis G. , Emm. Hatzimanolis: "The surgical treatment of neoplasms of the parapharyngeal space" 9th Panhellenic ENT Conference Rhodes 25-28 October 1997

Vlachou S. , Terzakis G. , Louverdis D. , Doundoulakis G. , Anastasopoulos C. Papafraggou-Tsikou A. , Papazoglou G. : "Ectopic thymic cyst in the neck" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Terzakis G. , Vlachos S. , Doundoulakis G. , Papazoglou G. "Tonsillectomy: Its impact on the clinical course of psoriasis" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Daskolias K. , Lefanzis D. , Tsitirides I. , Doundoulakis G. , Christidis K. "Septic thrombophlebitis of internal Jugular vein" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Barbati K. , Tsamouris M. , Vlachos S. , Zervos E. , Archontakis S. , Doundoulakis G. Papazoglou G. , Dokianakis C. : "Study of propagation indicators (KI 67) and apoptosis (BcI2) in the cholesteatoma" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Louvudis D. , Archontakis S. , Vlachos S. , Doundoulakis G. , Katopoulou M. , Hatzi A. , Papanikolopoulou X. , Hatzimanolis E. , Papazoglou G. , Dokianakis C. ,: "Treatment of papillary thyroid carcinoma" 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Dokianakis C. , Vlachos S. , Terzakis G. , Doundoulakis G. , Hatzimanolis E. : "Wegener disease with an initial event from the middle ear. Case report and review of the literature. 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Papazoglou G. , Vlachos S. , Archontakis S. , Tsitouras D. , Doundoulakis G. , Barbatis K. : "Osteoid fibromna of the external auditory meatus" 10th Panhellenic ENP Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Christidis K. , Terzakis G. , Louverdis D. , Doundoulakis G. , Tsitirides I. , Anastasopoulos C. , Hatzimanolis E. , Papazoglou G. , Dokianakis C. : "Removal of acoustic neuroma through the Transotic approach; the experience of our clinic". 10th Panhellenic ENT Conference Kalamata 6-10 October 1999

Gavalas G., Terzakis G., Doundoulakis G., Vathilakis J.: «Vestibular Disorders due to Diving» XVIIth Annual Meeting of EUBS on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Heraklion Crete, 29 September- 3 October 1991

Lefantzis D., Louverdis D., Doundoulakis G., Paouris M., Stratakou E., Dokianakis G.: «Laryngocele Ventricularis» 2nd European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Sorrento 6-10 June 1992, Italy

Vlachou S., Terzakis G., Doundoulakis G., Papazoglou G.: "Otologic Wegener's granulomatosis" The Harvard Medical School-Department of continuing education and the Department of Otology and Laryngology Advances in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2000 May 4-6, 2000 Santorini, Greece

Doundoulakis G. , Papazoglou G. , Pavlopoulos Ath. , Terzakis G. : "The "Pharyngocutaneous Fistula as a complication of Total Laryngectomy" Greek Otolaryngology Volume 11 Issue 4 p. 5-7

Terzakis G. , Doundoulakis G. , Pauris M. , Marsan N. , Papazoglou G: "Mucoceles of Paranasal Sinuses" Greek Otolaryngology Volume 15 Issue 1 p. 21-23

Christidis K. , Lefanzis D. , Louverdis D. , Doundoulakis G. , Hatzimanolis Emm. ,Pauris M. : "Tumours of the Palate" Greek Otolaryngology Volume 17 Issue 1 p. 23-26

C. Papazoglou, D. Lefantzis, G. Terzakis, C. Symonides, M. Pauris, G. Doundoulakis: "Neurogenic Cervical Tumours" Greek Otolaryngology Volume 17 Issue 2 p. 38-43

G. Papazoglou ΜD, G. Doundoulakis MD, G. Terzakis ΜD, G. Dokianakis ΜD: "Pharyngocutaneous Fistula after total laryngectomy: Incidence, Cause and Treatment" Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology Vol I03, October 1994, pg 801-805

Vlach S. , Doundoulakis G. , Archontakis S. , Terzakis G. , Passiou E. , Papazoglou G. : "Surgical technique problems in the treatment of otosclerosis" Greek Otolaryngology Volume 21 Issue 2 p. 49-52.

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